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Hey Everybody!
   My name is Zack Port and I’m 17 years old and from New York. I’m psyched for this trip and I really hope we have the chance to reach out and help a lot of people and grow along the way!
   I’m a junior in high school (and I can’t WAIT for the year to be over) and am pretty involved with the school – I do a lot of drama productions and I play soccer and tennis through the school too. I love sports (especially when it’s just for fun), playing guitar and viola, reading, drawing, singing, and acting.
   I lead worship for our youth group, singing and playing guitar, and it’s one of the best things ever. Making music and praising God at the same time? Perfect. And we’ve had the chance to lead the whole church a few times as well with youth Sundays which is always fun.
   I can’t wait to meet everyone and get started on what God wants us to do! I went on a missions trip with a group called the Continentals last summer to California and it was life-changing and ever since I’ve felt God calling me back to serve, so I can’t wait to see how he uses us. See you all soon!

5 responses to “Zack Port”

  1. Another musician! Sweet! Looking forward to meeting you Zack, glad you’re a part of the team!

  2. oh man.. we’re all going to be rockin out so much in Costa Rica! haha.. can’t wait to see all that God does! =)

  3. Another person singing and playing in church this is sweet!!! I am so excited to meet you!! Plus you’re in drama! Oh this’ll be fun! I hope you love improv because that’s always a way to teach kids about God!!! Cya in Atlanta!

  4. Great to meet you, Zack…and excited to have someone with so many passions and talents! And someone who takes awesome pictures in big pirate hats!