
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We just wanted to let everyone know that all of the participants have arrived safely.  We had a great evening of starting to get to know each other and of getting to know some of you parents.  We’re sitting down to breakfast now to get us ready for a full day of training.  Please pray especially for unity and energy!  We are really excited about this group!

7 responses to “We’re Here!”

  1. Thanks for the update Amy! So glad to hear that everyone arrived safely. Found this verse in Romans 15:

    May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you a spirit of unity among yourselves as you follow Christ Jesus, so that with one heart and mouth you may glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Praying for you…

  2. So good to see the update from you, Amy. We are praying for this to be an amazing experience for the team. Thank you for your leadership in helping to make disciples of each student. We so appreciate you, Jeff and Kylie! Cannot wait to see photos of ministry in action. God bless you for stepping out in faith and taking this team to Costa Rica. Say hi to the two Little Rock teens for us! Hope they will make a beautiful sound during worship time! To God be the glory!
    Jeanne Butler

  3. Will pray for your team tonight at church with Rachel. May God’s love shine thru you all.

  4. Jim and I are sooo proud of Klaire in initiating and following through with her participation in this mission trip. We will be praying for all of you involved that God leads you with his greatness.

  5. Hey everyone, I hope that you have fun on your trip, but most important I hope your can share the truth about Jesus to the world. May you all grow closer to God by doing His work. Can’t wait to hear more on the blogs. Keep them coming.



  6. Glad to read everyone arrived safely. We will pray that this is one of the most wonderful experiences in your lives and that it brings you closer to God. Hannah, we love you and miss you. Worry that you lost your ATM card. It has been canceled.