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Here is the video of Training Camp.  Hope you enjoy.

7 responses to “Training Camp Video”

  1. Thank you so much for sending this!!! You have all been so busy these past few days. It was great to see how AIM is fostering teamwork. Go and serve the Lord!!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing this video! It looks like the students are having fun as they get to know each other better. We are praying for you as you prepare to leave!

  3. We loved seing what you have been doing. Thanks!

    As you get ready to head out tomorrow and begin your ministry in Costa Rica – “May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.” 2 Thessalonians 3:5

  4. Wow! Thanks so much for putting this together for the “parents”. We know JT’s supportersfriends will enjoy seeing this as much as we did. We pray for a safe flight for you tomorrow and an exciting first day in Costa Rica. Thank you Jeff, Amy & Kylie for loving on and ministering to the kids.

  5. It is such a blessing to see your smiling faces.Thank you for putting the video of training camp together.Get ready for the time of your life serving our wonderful Lord.
    Debbie Norman( Kylie’s mom)

  6. Very best for all of the “missionaries”. Our prayers are for the success of your mission and an enjoyable and safe trip.