
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration


Drip, drip, drip…  Those were the sounds I woke up to this morning.  Enticed by the rains beauty, I stepped outside.  The drops hitting my face felt so refreshing, and within just a few minutes, 
I was completely soaked!
In my life lately, I have felt like I have been going through sort of a spiritual dry.  I knew that I needed water, but I was just to busy to step out into the rain.
It was like I was closing myself up in the world of busyness and it was quickly sucking every ounce of God out of me. 
This morning when I stepped in the rain, it hit me.  It had only taken a few minutes for me to become drenched!  Here I am trying to figure out why my relationship with God seemed to be dry, and it’s because for the past month or so I have not stepped into God’s presence, into His downpour!  I would put off my quiet time because of my crazy schedule, and in doing that, I would miss out on the refreshing, non-tangible drink only God can offer.
I was surviving on my own “energy drinks“… quenching my thirst temporarily, but in the end leaving me even drier.
I knew this HAD to change!  I could not go on any longer in this spiritual desert.  It is mind blowing to think of, what seemed like forever in a land of dryness…
              Could all be changed…
                                        If I would just choose…



 “Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.”  Deuteronomy 32:2


2 responses to “Rain…”

  1. sheesh i love this…you are so insightful! i’m praying for your heart as you prepare for this trip. love you!

  2. Alesha. I love you. This was a beautiful post by a beautiful girl with a beautiful heart for Christ. I pray that God will open your eyes in a whole new way and that you will gain truth and understanding during this trip. Much love,