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Thoughts & Inspiration

      Hey Everyone, finally My blog is up and running! All the boring and hard work is done! Now its time to start getting to know all of you guys! Well I guess I should start by telling you guys some stuff about me because most likely you guys are just as curious about me as I am about you!
      Well I live in Canada! And no the whole “Eh” thing is not my thing and we do not live in igloos. (Someone actually asked me that once! Like come on! haha) I like in Spiritwood, Saskatchewan it’s an okay town of about 1200 people. I go to our public school and I love playing Volleyball and Basketball! Basketball is like my lover!!!! 🙂 I’m also really into playing my guitar and singing along! I have some of my own songs written but not recorded or anything like that. Most likely I’ll be bring my guitar on this trip, cause I like can’t live without it! Oh and I also do a lot of Drama most likely I’ll eventually post some pictures of my drama group on here:)… I won’t lie I absolutely love animals! I mean their just so sweet and innocent! I’m currently in love with my boyfriend, Tucker’s, cat! Her name is Ling Ling:)
          This trip will be the first time I’ll ever be out of Canada and I’m excited but I gotta admit that I’m totally freaked out about going into an airport. Not going on the plain but getting lost in an airport is my ultimate fear these days. So so scared!! But I’m getting over this whole being afraid I’m praying everyday and trusting that God will lead me and keep me safe and from being lost. I really hate being late. Ironic since my parents are late for like everything. Also lately I’ve started a job working in a pizza house. I know how to make most of the food and I’ve tasted most of it and its pretty delicious! So look out group you got a soon to be chief on her way!!
        This summer I’m sure is going to be one of the best ever! Getting to meet all of you will be a blast because I absolutely love meeting people! And whats better is that we’re all going to helping others and doing it for God. This past year and a half I’ve really fell in love with God! He’s my saviour and my best friend. Two pretty powerful things wrapped in one. I think it’s absolutely amazing how God works in our lives without us knowing. I’ve learned tons of stuff about him in the past year. One thing that I find amazing is that I can vent and vent to him and I can feel him listening, not judging me but loving me for who I am. He completely lifts all of my burdens and helps me through everything. It’s truly an amazing feeling. I can’t wait to go share this with the people in Costa Rica. God made me for a reason, here’s my chance to prove to him that I’m worth it. That I love him and that I’m going to put my heart out on the line for him. I’ll do my best and even if I fall flat on my face he’ll cushion my fall. I’m so excited for this summer!

Look out Costa Rica here comes a completely confident and loving girl!

3 responses to “My Bio!!”

  1. Hey Ashley…glad to hear your paperwork is done! How awesome that this will be your first tiem out of Canada…we’re sure that all kinds of adventures are in store!

  2. Hey Ashley! So happy to meet you! I love seeing a little bit of your enthusiasm and I’m excited to see how God is going to use you to serve him and all the people we’re going to meet in Costa Rica!

  3. It’ll definitely be interesting! Can’t wait to be in Georgia then Costa Rica!!!! 🙂