
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Hi everyone!  I’ve just learned that I’m not very good at blogging, since I had my whole bio written and then somehow deleted it.  So, it looks like some of you will have to give us some lessons!  My name is Amy, and I’m really excited to be one of your leaders this summer!  A quick bit about me…  I grew up in southern California and now live in Boulder, Colorado.  I moved here to go to the University of Colorado, Boulder, where I studied Psychology and Elementary Education.  After I graduated I worked at our church for a few years in the Missions and High School departments before starting to teach.  This year was my first year teaching and I taught Second Grade.  In the fall I’ll start teaching ESL.  My husband and I volunteered as leaders for the high school ministry at our church for several years and loved it, especially the summer mission trips.  During college I spent a summer in Honduras.  I love Latin America and am so excited to return!  A couple of other things that I love are the beach, skiing, soccer, reading, rain, stars, cozy blankets, traveling, and Spanish.  The Lord has blessed me richly with wonderful friends and family, and now a fabulous husband and puppy!  I’m so excited to meet each of you and learn about your gifts and passions, and see what adventure the Lord has in store for us.

One response to “My Bio!”

  1. Hi Sister!! Your trip looks fantastic! I can’t wait to hear about it first hand next weekend. I love you!!