
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

         Hey y’all! I’m so excited to be going on this trip with you guys! I am pumped and can’t wait to see how God is going to use our team while in Costa Rica.
         So a little bit about me. I’m JT and I live in Woodstock, GA. I’ve been alive on this earth for 15 years, but I have really only been “alive” for 8 years ever since I accepted Chirst as my personal savior. Without him I would be spirtually dead.
         I’m homeschooled, but I go to a local science center for some of my studies. I’ve been homeschooled all my life and its been a neat experiece. I love all my wonderful friends who keep me going and help me to stay on the straight and narrow path. I’m very involved in my church youth group. We do things like help our church widows, VBS, teaching summer sunday school and  any opportunities that come our way. Some of my favorite things to do is play football, and making silly vidoes while hanging out with my friends. I’m on a local christian football team called the Crown Knights. All the guys on the team are great and we have a great time at practices.       
      Another thing you may come to notice about me is that I can be a strong leader, but I also like to goof off and be silly as well. I have a heart for helping others and I especially love little kids. I love to travel and venturing out to try new things. I’m always up for another challenge.With God on my side I have the confidence that I can overcome any obstacle through the power of Christ.  Can’t wait to see you all in June! Costa Rica here I come!



5 responses to “My Bio”

  1. Hi JT, and welcome to the team! Thanks so much for sharing your heart. We’re looking forward to serving with you!

  2. Excited to meet you JT! So glad you are a part of this team and will see you soon at training camp!

  3. ok first, the fact that your name is JT, is the most amazing thing ever.. and then your homeschooled (like myself) so it really can’t get much better than that! haha =) but seriously dude i can’t wait to meet you and Costa Rica 09 is going to be stinkin awesome!

  4. JT- Hope you’re having a wonderful time and seeing God thru every opportunity. You bio is wonderful. I’m sure God will use you as a leader on your trip and in life. We’re praying for your safety and changed lives thru the mission.

    Mrs. Zech