
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’m Marissa. I recently turned 16 and finished my sophomore year-halfway done with high school! I spent the first 13 years of my life in Illinois, but I now reside in northern Alabama. I’m from a family of 4 children with ages ranging from 26-6. If asked, I wouldn’t exactly consider myself normal. I’m involved with theater, both at school and in the community. I write ALL the time, whether it be a random haiku, or what may be the great American novel. I’m what is referred to as “athletically challenged,” but I try to make up for it in the arts. I love meeting new people, and expanding my horizons. I also design clothing some of the time, or at least I’m in the process of doing so. I dance way too often, but I must admit that I am horrible at it, even though I spent half my life in dance classes! I made a decision awhile ago to devote my life to helping people. As a result, I plan to become a psychiatrist one day.  I love music, all and every kind. I’m addicted to magazines. I’m super excited about Costa Rica, considering I’ve never left the country. And lastly, but definitely most importantly, I’m in love with a man I like to call Jesus.

7 responses to “Marissa Goins!”

  1. Hey Marissa! Designing clothes! That’s way cool! I’m with you on the dancing way too often and being terrible at it! We’ll make a great pair in costa Rica! Showing off our foolishly awful dance moves haha! Can’t wait to meet you!

  2. Thanks, Ashley! haha. You seem pretty swift yourself. What is it, 23 days now?

  3. Hey Marissa! I’m so looking forward to meeting you and everyone in just a few weeks! Get excited!

  4. Hey! Im a theatre person and I write as well! This is so awesome! Cant wait to meet you!

  5. Hi Marissa! Really excited to meet you so very soon and serve with you this summer!