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HI!!!!I’m Kelly Ann King!I’m 16 years old and I was born in Florida and have not moved since ( i dislike cold weather). I love GOD with all my heart and am so thankful to be saved by Jesus Christ! I enjoy….laughing, playing volleyball, going to the beach, missions trips, watching scary movies, eating chocolate cake batter ice cream, concerts, listing to music all the time, chillen with my friends, painting, and last but not least reading my bible =]

16 responses to “Kelly King”

  1. Hi Kelly. It’s great to learn a little bit about you! We are looking forward to meeting you and serving with you this summer!

  2. Don’t like cold weather? Haha I’m with you there! I live in Saskatchewan, Canada and we have way too much of it! about 7 months out of the year there’s snow on the ground. No fun! haha. Well snowball fights are pretty awesome though!

  3. OH MY GOODNESS! 7 months! i would go crazy! I love the sun! But snow ball fights seem pritty fun iv never seen snow before tho.

  4. Really? You’ve never seen snow. Well it can be pretty sometimes but it’s pretty much a pain in the butt mostly. Yeah 7 whole months. That’s an average. We usually get snow in September and its gone but April but this year it wasn’t gone until like May! It snowed in May so dumb! But finally it’s warming up!

  5. wow! that crazyness. yah when its sunny in florida, right now its about..85 to 90. But its been raining on and off for the past couple weeks i love when i it rains!

  6. Hey Kelly! Glad to have you on the team! I’m from FL too, where in Florida do you live?!
    Oh, and I think one of the reasons that floridians don’t like cold weather is because we wear flip flops 12 months out of the year, even when it’s freezing!…that’s my reason at least.

  7. Hi Kylie! Im from Frt. Lauderdale florida..the citys called Coral Springs. What about you? And I totaly agree on the flip flops thing…most floridians dont even own close toed shoes, the closets all flip flops!

  8. I’m so jealous! haha, I only wish we could wear flip flops all the time… In Canada here we only get maybe two months of flip flop weather!

  9. Yea, I definitely know where you are! (a little ways from me…) I’m from Orlando but I’m at school up in Gainesville. haha Ashley, although flip flops are pretty sweet, Canada seems pretty great too! never been there, but would love to!

  10. yah orlandos only a couple hours away, and canada does sound awsome!(except for the cold weather.)

  11. First things first.. you are adorable! haha.. and second i cannot wait to meet you and to serve God (and have fun while doing it!) with you this summer! =)Costa Rica 09 baby!!

  12. hahaha!! thankyou =]and i cannot wait either for costa this summer! The team seems awsome were going to have sooo much fun while serving God!WOOT WOOT!!!

  13. Canada can be neat sometimes:) Sunsets in Spring are absolutely beautiful!!! Costa Rica’s gonna be one awesome experience!!! Everyone’s so crazy, lovely, kind, and awesome! Gonna be a blast!

  14. Really May? Haha I personally think you’re a little crazy! But my mom says the same thing. She absolutely loves winter. Doesn’t make any sens to me but oh well. So where are you from May?