
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

   Hey! Im Kelli Manwaring and im a Senior in HS (finally!) and I am so excited about this amazing opportunity! First off, I live in Greenville, SC (<-looks like im the only Carolinian…). I have lived there my whole life except for six years when I lived on a dairy farm just outside of Greenville. I am 17 years old and I enjoy going to the beach, camping, traveling, shopping, shopping, and traveling…oh and SPORTS of course! Volleyball, soccer, softball, and rUnning are my main athletics but I enjoy any sport where you get dirty and have fun! Other than that id have to say my life is that of the regular teenager…work, hang out with friends on the weekends, vacation, etc.

(I work at my favorite supermarket Publix!!)

I am so thankful that God has given me this opportunity to serve Him along with some truly amazing people 🙂

See you in one day!


2 responses to “Kelli Manwaring”

  1. Way to go Kelli! Thanks for posting the lovely photos! 🙂 So excited to hear that you are going on this trip with Rachel! We’re so excited for you both and the rest of the team members! We’ll be praying for you all! <><

  2. Hi Kelli! It’s great to have you. We are really looking forward to meeting you tomorrow!!