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Hey! My name is Josh Riedel and I am seventeen years old. I am currently a junior (well I just got out of school yesterday so I guess I am now officially a senior!). I live in a tiny town called Elma in Washington. It is a town of 3,000 people, one stoplight, and a dozen churches. I have four siblings, all younger. Three sisters and one brother. I like reading, doing crazy stuff with my friends, playing basketball, watching movies and listening to music. I like pretty much every style of music except country.
I am a youth leader in my youth group and have been actively involved in some sort of ministry whether it be a youth leader, children’s church worker, or doing missions work for about five years. I went to Mexico last summer with my church for a week and had an amazing time. I am really looking forward to this trip and meeting you all!

3 responses to “Josh Riedel”

  1. Hey Josh! You sound like an interesting person! I absolutely love playing basketball too! It’ll be fun getting to know you!

  2. Great to hear from you Josh! Excited to see how the Lord will use your gifts and passions!