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It is located in in the Support Raising Handbook that you can find from your Account Page under Required Reading Section.

A Sample Missions Support Letter

Dear Friends and Family,

Hello! I hope this letter finds you well. I am thankful for this opportunity to share what’s been going on in my life lately. God has been using me and teaching me in many ways not the least of which has been a call toward missions. I was excited when I found out about an opportunity to join Adventures In Missions to (place). I applied and have now been accepted! I plan to leave (when you are leaving).

My greatest desire is to learn to share the gospel with people my own age. I’ve discovered that I have a real heart for youth and a love for those desiring to grow in Christ. I have longed to minister in a place where people are aching with hunger for the gospel. During this trip, I will be discipled and trained in various areas of ministry and missions. I will also have the opportunity to minister to people who need to hear of salvation through Jesus.

I thank God for this opportunity that is before me and trust He will meet my needs. Ultimately, my prayer is that He will do that through you. I would be honored if you could partner financially and prayerfully with me in this ministry. I am specifically asking for five people who will commit to pray for me each day until I return. Also, I must raise $4,500.00 for the year that goes directly to AIM. This will cover all my expenses while on the field.

I have enclosed a response card and pre-addressed envelope, which invites you to share in this ministry. Please make checks payable to Adventures In Missions.   Including the enclosed card will provide AIM with all necessary information. In turn, they will send you a receipt. They request that you send all donations at least two weeks before the trip. 
Adventures In Missions is registered with the Internal Revenue Service as a 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Donors will receive receipts for their gifts with the understanding that the disbursement of those gifts lies completely at the discretion of Adventures In Missions and that the gifts are non-refundable and non-transferable, per IRS regulations. Gifts may be tax deductible; please consult a tax advisor


I am very excited about how God will use me and what He will teach me through this experience. I hope not only to be a blessing to those I serve, but also to you. My desire is to go as your representative of Jesus Christ. I hope you will prayerfully consider being part of my ministry. Thank you so much!

In Him,


Important Note: Personalize this Support Letter, do not just copy and paste it. Include some facts about the location you are going to. Make it fit YOU!