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        This past year, well year and half, I’ve been really getting in touch with my spirituality. You know how you can just feel that there’s this piece of you missing but you don’t know what? That exactly how I felt. I thought maybe it was that I needed someone to lean on. Like a boyfriend, perhaps. Tried that over and over again. Never really felt right. Tried all these different groups of friends. But still there was a piece missing. Finally my mom woke me up one Sunday morning and begged me to go to church with her. You know how moms are (well atleast my mom tends to be like this) she makes you feel a little guilty and that usually makes me do what she wants. Finally after waking me up a couple sunday mornings I went to church.
        When I first got there I though whats the point? I haven’t heard or felt God in ages but as I sat and listened to the readings and my priest talk something inside me changed. I could just feel it. I felt uplifted and free. I felt happy, it was amazing. I’d been looking for something to fill that space of loneliness and sadness and here it was all this time. A block from my house. After that sunday I kept going to church and eventually I started participating and going to catholic retreats and finding other kids like me :). Totally and irrevocably in love with God and his teachings and messages. Now I read, commentate, sing, and play guitar in church. Iy’s really and truly awakened me. Made me feel alive. I’m finally confident in myself and happy. Those were strange things for the old me. I’m sad to admit but I used to be a little fake. I was going to parties doing a little bit of drinking. I just wasn’t a happy or really a good person.
       I now have my circle of friends and most importantly I’ve found God. So it was easy when I chose what I wanted to do this summer. Help people. God pulled me and my handy typing fingers on the computer. I like to beleive he led me to AIM and helped me get this far. And the best part is is that I know he’ll never desert me. He’ll be my best friend for life. Who doesn’t want a friend that you can count on for life? It’s really and tru;ly the most amazing feeling in the world and to be able to share this feeling just seems totally unbeleiveable and special. I can’t wait to let God lead my heart through Costa Rica

2 responses to “How I was saved”

  1. Thanks for sharing your heart with us, Ashley. We really look forward to meeting you and seeing how the Lord will continue to work in your heart!

  2. Thanks, I’m so excited to be around people who have found God. Kinda like I have:). I’m sure everyone will have interesting stories to share:) It’ll be so much fun:)