
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

We were asked to write a blog how we were called to this missions trip. Here’s my story…In 8th grade I expirenced my first real missions trip to Nasua, Bahamas. It was for my christian schools 8th grade trip. We served 7 days. After I expirenced a real missions trip I realized that I realy enjoyed helping people and sharing the word of God. I really feel that God is leading me to go on another missions trip. I am kinda a shy person but once you get to know me I’m a tad crazy. My reason for saying this is because its extremly hard for me to get up in front of people and talk. For example presenting projects in class. But I realized that  on my Bahamas missions trip i was so comfortable talking to people i dont know, about the the word of God. I really loved the feeling of being able to do that without turning bright red and stuttering. God gave me the peace i needing to talk to others about him. I want to continue glorifying him in that way all the time, not only with people i dont know but also people i do know. I hope this missions trip will bring me out of my comfort zone and teach me to be comfortable talking to anybody about Jesus Christ.