
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

      We were asked to write a short blog about how we were called to this mission trip.
    Here is my story.. Here is my story…  
  Go… Webster’s Dictionary defines that word as to move on a course. I think that is such a cool way to look at such a common word. For a while now I have felt like God has been laying one thing on my heart, to Go, to move on a course, but what course? I prayed for God to reveal to me exactly what He meant by “Go” and then came the word “Missions”. Webster’s also states Missions as the act or an instance of sending. After that, I decided, “ok God, where you lead me, or send me, there I will follow.”   

Since making that decision I have had the incredible opportunity to “Go” to Honduras twice and through both of those experiences God showed me so much!  He showed me that missions isn’t just about going out of the country and ministering to the people there.  Missions could be just me reaching out to the kid down the street or talking to someone I would normally pass by.  I learned that I can be a part of missions right here in Arkansas, which is awesome, but now I’m so excited  about my first mission trip with AIM to Costa Rica! 

I found out about Adventures In Missions through my older sister Ashley.  She went on an incredible trip with AIM to Ireland two years ago and absolutely loved it!  Ashley is also going on the World Race with AIM and it has been so neat to see how excited she is and how the Lord has provided for her.  So this year when I started thinking and praying about what I wanted to do this summer for missions, my sister told me to check out AIM!  I started looking at all the short-term trips and almost instantly the Costa Rica trip stood out.  As i started pursuing it more,  I knew one thing for sure… this is where I am supposed to “GO!” 

    So Costa Rica…
I hope you’re ready…   
Because not only is there one incredible God loving team of teens heading your way… 

                                             In Him!
                                              Alesha 🙂

He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.”  
  Mark 16:15








2 responses to “How I Was Called to the Mission Field”

  1. We are excited to share your passion for the Lord and serving this summer!

  2. Alesha,

    It was great to see you on the video. Wow….what an awesome experience the Holy Spirit gave you! We love your heart for the Lord and being all He wants you to be. It is amazing how we think we are going on a mission trip to help others and yet we end up learning so much about ourselves through our service and our experiences. Thanks for your honesty and your willingness to share. Love you lots…..and lots!