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Thoughts & Inspiration

   I’m so excited for this trip – my past experiences with small groups working together and serving God have been the most amazing times of my life, and the memories last forever and always are fun to look back on. To be completely honest I’m sick of school and can’t wait for that to be over, and this trip kind of kicks my summer off to a great start.
   I’m not entirely sure what to expect from this trip. In a way I guess that’s a good thing because that way God can make it anything he wants.  Overall I’d have to say I hope God uses us all to impact other people’s lives for the better and each others’ lives too.  I’m also hoping that God really ignites a fire in my heart again to be in the Bible daily and have quiet times to listen to Him, because right now that’s been one of my biggest challenges.  I also definitely want this to be a fun time traveling and meeting new people!  I can’t wait to meet everyone and get to Costa Rica!

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