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Thoughts & Inspiration

As the school year begins to wind down (yay!), I am getting excited for my mission trip, but I am also praying that God would well equip and prepare me for this venture. Will I make a difference in the lives of any people on the trip? How will God choose to use me? Will I be able to leave at the end of the trip? These questions have been wandering in my mind over the past few weeks, and I finally realized why I can’t figure out the answers: IT’S BECAUSE I DON’T KNOW! God is in control of my future, and even though I think that I want that control, I know that I need to give it to Him.
Since I haven’t been on a mission trip recently, I don’t really know what to expect. But my hope is that I will have an inward experience with God that I can outwardly share with the people of Costa Rica. I know that God will spread His love to them, but how, I am not sure. Please continue praying that God will prepare me spiritually for this trip. Also, pray that God would keep away all worries that I might have about the trip. I once heard a man wiser than myself say, “worrying is a mild form of atheism.” Having any doubt that God is COMPLETELY in control is saying that God is not in control. I constantly find myself worrying about minor details that I know God can handle, because He can handle anything. Bring it on.