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You are in store for a real treat on June 11th, your team; along with your leaders, will have the opportunity to have a Conference Call. That means that you will have all your team and leaders on the phone at one time!?!   Chaos, huh!  

This is a great opportunity to get to know your team better and to ask your last minute questions.  Don’t miss out!

We have scheduled the calls to last only 30 minutes. Please do not call in until it is your time. We only have one conference call line and if you call in early you will be on the line with the team before you! But then don’t be late

The schedule is as follows:
Guatemala      5:00pm
Costa Rica      5:30 pm
Puerto Rico     6:00pm

You are to call: 712-451-6100
After  you connect  you enter this Access Code 348324#

5 responses to “Conference Call”

  1. Hi, I’m from canada. So what time zone is that? Central time? or what? Thanks.

  2. Hi,

    Unfotunately our family is planning to be on vacation on the day of the conference call and I am going to be out of cell range.

    Sorry I won’t get to talk with everyone. Please let me know if there is any information from the call that I need to know. Thanks!

  3. I’ll be at a camp where cell phones arent allowed. I’ll have JT fill me in on any important info (right, JT?) 🙂

  4. Oh stinkers.. I’m leaving the 11th for a music tour so I will not be able to call in. =( just let me know if there is anything I missed! thanks mucho!