
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

The past few days have been amazing.  We have all bonded so close as a team, and each person brings something unique to the team.  Today, we started VBS and have had such a great time playing soccer with the kids and talking to them about God.  The host church has welcomed us in and has shown us much hospitality by taking care of us and cooking amazing meals for us.  The Costa Ricans are all very friendly and we are enjoying hanging out with the teenagers at the park at night.  We are very blessed to be here and can not wait to see what God is going to do this week.  We can not wait to see our families again in 8 days!
Hasta Luego,
Costa Rica Team 2009
Written by: Colin
Today we were going door to door asking people if they needed us to pray for them.  Our translator told us about this 14 year old girl who was pregnant.  So a couple of us decided to visit her and ask if we could pray for her.  We asked for any specific prayer requests.  She requested that we pray for her significany other and his ability to raise enough money to receive an ultrasound.  During our prayer I felt God laying on my heart to give them 20,000 colones.  So I did.  Then, we went to the store to purchase a bag of rice for another family.  When I went to pull my money out I saw that I had the same amount that I had started with.  Just then I realized God had blessed me because of my giving.  It made me stop and realize that God is with me every step of the way.
Written by:  Mikayla and Laura