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Thoughts & Inspiration

Conference Call

You are in store for a real treat on June 11th, your team; along with your leaders, will have the opportunity to have a Conference Call. That means that you will have all your team and leaders on … Read more about Conference Call

Jen Wahlers

Hey guys! Im Jen! Im so excited to go to Costa Rica, meet all of you and see what God has planned! I am going into my Jr. Year at Cy-Fair in Houston TX. I run the soundboard for the youth band at my … Read more about Jen Wahlers

Laura Gurskey

    Hi!  My name is Laura and I am 15 and live in Louisville, KY.  I moved here about 2 years ago after living in Atlanta for 11 years.  I love playing soccer … Read more about Laura Gurskey

My Bio!!

      Hey Everyone, finally My blog is up and running! All the boring and hard work is done! Now its time to start getting to know all of you guys! Well I guess I should start … Read more about My Bio!!

My Bio!

Hi everyone!  I've just learned that I'm not very good at blogging, since I had my whole bio written and then somehow deleted it.  So, it looks like some of you will have to give us some … Read more about My Bio!

My Bio

                Hey y'all! I'm so excited to be going on this trip with you guys! I am pumped and can't wait to see how God … Read more about My Bio